Monday, June 18, 2012

Your Smile is Your Greatest Gift

I had the opportunity to return to Toronto to visit with family and friends.  After 2 years of living in Nova Scotia, I had truly forgotten what the metropolis was like - people, traffic, pollution were obvious.  The subtle differences were what struck me the most.
The one difference that I noticed right away was how unfriendly people were.  There were more frowning faces then smiles and everyone seemed caught up in going to and fro at high speed.  On a couple of occasions I said hello and smiled just as I would at home in Nova Scotia.  I was met with scowls and people looked as if I was going to steal from them or something.  It was very disheartening.
My lesson from my trip to Toronto was that I lost sight of counting the small blessings of my everyday life in my new province and I vowed that when I returned home, I would smile and chat with everyone just as it should be everywhere.  I wake up now with a reinvigorated love for where I live, the people, the happiness, and most importantly, the Smiles!
Learn to SMILE - it will send a powerful message of happiness to your brain and that happiness will flow within you and radiate to those around you.  Simply smiling is the greatest gift of all.
Susan inspires her clients to live the life of their dreams with passion, joy, and love. Susan is an experienced international Life Coach helping people discover and live their ideal life through NLP, Mindfulness, and G.R.A.C.E. Learn more about Susan by visiting her Online, on Facebook

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