Monday, June 24, 2013

Living in the Present

Are you appreciating what is happening right now, right here?  Or are you focused on something that might happen (future, anxiety)?  Or are you focused on something that happened in the past (depressed, angry)?

When you live in the moment, there is no stress, no anger, no regret; just what's happening right now.  You will be focused on and experiencing the activity at hand.

The only moment you can control is the one that is happening right now.  You can't go back and change the past.  You can't predict the future.  The present moment is the only one you have, the one you can feel, hear, see and smell.  It's YOUR moment.

How to Live in the Present by Breaking the Habit of "Wandering"

Your mind has been trained to wander through the past or think about the future.  When you start thinking about the past or the future, stop yourself by focusing completely on what you are doing right now.  Bring your mind back to the present moment.  Use all your senses to immerse yourself in what is happening in the moment. 

Breathe and focus.  Find inspiration in what is happening.  Smile and enjoy.

It takes time and practice to break the mind's wandering habit.  Start by focusing on one action or activity at a time.  For example, walking - feel your feet touching the ground, feel your muscles moving, see the sidewalk or trail going by as you take a step, etc.  When listening, just listen,  When eating, just eat.  When drawing, just draw.

With practice, you will be able to stop your mind from wandering aimlessly. 

Living in the Present will bring richness and awareness to your life.  You will appreciate the little things that you have probably forgotten brought you joy.  When was the last time you slurped the juice from a watermelon and tasted all of it's wonderful sweetness?

There is magic in the present.  

Repeat after me:

When I live in the present, I am Happy, Joyful and Free.

Susan inspires her clients to live the life of their dreams with passion, joy, and love. Susan is an experienced international Life Coach helping people discover and live their ideal life through NLP, Mindfulness, and G.R.A.C.E. Learn more about Susan by visiting her Online, on Facebook

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