Sunday, April 29, 2012

Your 3-Step Plan to Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Now that you have identified your personal limiting beliefs (April 15th post), it's time to change them.  Think of your limiting beliefs as your subconscious blueprint and blueprints can be changed so they reflect what you really want!

The first step is to understand what a limiting belief is and that it may not be true.

Just say to yourself, "it's possible that I believe some things about myself and the world around me that are not true."

Great!  You have successfully opened the door to let your new belief in.

The second step is really important:

Replace the old belief with a positive new one.

If you want to create permanent behaviour change, you can't just get rid of the old mental pattern, you have to replace it with a completely new one that will take its place.

You want to create a new path, create new tracks, otherwise the old one can come back.

The final step is repetition and reinforcement through affirmation.

The most powerful affirmations are worded to be immediate and personal.  Adding a phrase like 'quickly and easily' to the beginning or end of each affirmation helps to lift the pressure of having to 'make things happen.'

My personal favourite affirmations are:

Every Day in Every Way, I'm Getting Better and Better

My monthly income exceeds my monthly expenses quickly and easily

I repeat these 3 times every morning before I get out of bed to enjoy my day.

The primary way to get a new pattern into the unconscious part of your mind is through reinforcement and repetition.  Positive affirmations work by reprogramming your thinking and beliefs.  The way to get effective results is with constant repetition.  

Affirmations train your subconscious to believe that what you want is possible, attainable, and already happening.

Words are your most powerful tool - they can bring pain or happiness, forgiveness or anger/hatred.  You generate your own emotions through your choice of words.  Make sure that the words you tell yourself are helping you follow your dreams and your heart.

My Success Recommendation: 

write down your goals with corresponding success beliefs in the form of affirmations
 and just keep repeating them.

Choose your new belief and then plant the seed through positive affirmations.
Susan inspires her clients to live the life of their dreams with passion, joy, and love. Susan is an experienced international Life Coach helping people discover and live their ideal life through NLP, Mindfulness, and G.R.A.C.E. Learn more about Susan by visiting her Online, on Facebook 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Are Your Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?

You can tell what you believe by what you get.
-Alan Cohen

Limiting beliefs zap your energy and keep you stuck by telling you over and over again that you can't achieve your goals or that you're not worthy of acceptance and success.
The Top Ten Limiting Beliefs are:
  1. I'm too selfish/loud/shy
  2. I'm a bad.... (eg I'm a bad parent/friend/son)
  3. I will never be successful
  4. There is never enough money (or money doesn't grow on trees)
  5. It's too late for me to.... (change my career etc)
  6. I will never....(be successful, find love, travel etc)
  7. I always disappoint people
  8. I am not pretty/slim/clever enough
  9. I'm not good enough/I don't deserve...(happiness success, wealth, love)
  10. "I can't do it!"
Many limiting beliefs feel so normal that you don't even notice them. They are perceived as facts, rather than as mere beliefs that can be questioned and then changed. A 'belief' doesn't mean it's a fact - it's actually only your perception of the truth and this can be changed, with some work.

If you experience negative thoughts or feelings on a regular basis, or there are patterns in your life that you can't seem to figure out (bad relationships or continuous problems with money for example) it is VERY likely that you have a hidden limiting belief.

The life that you create is largely determined by your beliefs. Limiting beliefs hold you back from being the best that you can be and from being open to unlimited possibilities. Breaking Free of your Limiting Beliefs is the first step to personal transformation.

Look at the Top Ten Limiting Beliefs list. Do any of them sound familiar? If they do, jot them down and think about the ways they are negatively impacting your life - money, relationships, career, goals.

Watch for my next blog post where I'll give you the essential 3-step plan for Breaking Free of your Limiting Beliefs.
Susan inspires her clients to live the life of their dreams with passion, joy, and love. Susan is an experienced international Life Coach helping people discover and live their ideal life through NLP, Mindfulness, and G.R.A.C.E. Learn more about Susan by visiting her Online, on Facebook