Sunday, May 27, 2012

Stop, Drop and Roll

Everyday you are presented with situations, some good and some challenging, How you choose to deal with the challenging situations is the key to successfully enjoying the present moment and the future.

You can choose to react with anger, a negative reaction that leads to stress and diminishes your ability to regain happiness or balance for anextended period of time. An angry, frustrated, irritated response is the equivalent of handing over your keys to someone else.

Think about it the next time the salesperson is too pushy or an aggressive driver cuts you off. Will you hand over your keys? Or will you simply smile, remain calm, and move on?

Follow these simple steps:

STOP - Reacting to the stupid stuff. In a stressful or aggravating situation, this can be done by counting to ten.

DROP - Your irritation and anger. Simply smile. Smiling releases tension and automatically resets your physical and emotional reaction.

ROLL - Get on with your life. Replace your anger with a "comfort thought". A comfort thought can by any activity or personal interaction you are looking forward to. Do you have a great vacation planned, or a weekend getaway in your future? Are you going to enjoy walking your dog when you get home?

Smiling and remaining positive in the face of challenges, makes you more powerful than reacting with anger, frustration or irritation.
Susan inspires her clients to live the life of their dreams with passion, joy, and love. Susan is an experienced international Life Coach helping people discover and live their ideal life through NLP, Mindfulness, and G.R.A.C.E. Learn more about Susan by visiting her Online, on Facebook